Week 1 January 3-6 My first week as ASU Open Scholarship intern! This is the type of work I have been excited to do since before I started my MLIS degree! I am very excited to do this type of work with this team! This is my first opportunity to really put my MLIS to work in an academic library setting, and I am looking forward to doing a lot of cool work and meeting people through this internship. This week was mostly getting set up for the quarter. Anali and I met to discuss the learning outcomes agreement and talk about what projects I would be working on this quarter. I adjusted my hours and dropped my DFW down to 100 hours so I will be doing 10 hours of work per week and then finishing my internship on the ASU semester system with deliverables outside of DFW set deliverables. Looking forward to having more of a routine with regular meetings and hours.
Week 2 January 9-13 This week I had my first task of moving links from the March Mammal Madness (MMM) library guide to a collaborative spreadsheet for evaluating what resources to include in the next iteration of the MMM library guide. I met with all the library interns to get us oriented to ASU’s systems and get set up using Slack. Allison discussed what professional development opportunities we will have throughout the course of our internship. I also met with the Open Scholarship team which consists of me, my supervisor Anali, Matthew, and another intern Emily. We went over onboarding materials, expectations, and how often me and Emily would work on blog posts for Library research news. I set up a repository on github for posting deliverables and reflections.
Week 3 January 17-20 I had an OSSC team meeting where we discussed possible blog posts, putting together an open data display, and how to edit a LibGuide. I did more research on MMM, open data, and ASU LibGuides. Emily and I discussed working together on a blog post for Love Data Week in February, so I started compiling resources and events to highlight in that post.
Week 4 January 23-28 This week I submitted a bio for the ASU internal newsletter to share what I am doing with ASU this semester. I met with Katie Hinde and Anali Perry to discuss the MMM LibGuide restructuring and started editing the MMM LibGuide. I worked more on the Love Your Data blog post with Emily and made a graphic to post with the blog.
Week 5 January 30- February 3 This week I mainly focused on the job search and mock application deliverable. Since I graduate in June I will likely actually be applying for academic library jobs, so it will not be a mock application, and I am looking forward to having Anali’s feedback and advice in the application process. I made pages of the MMM LibGuide I had been editing public, and learned the difficulties of making sure the right things are public. I created a collaborative padlet for young readers so that parents and early childhood educators can get their kids involved in March Mammal Madness.
Week 6 February 6-10 This week I worked on updating this reflections page because I got behind. I also worked on the coding of my repository– I want to make it accessible and easy to navigate for me and others who will see it. Meetings with Anali, Matthew, and Emily are very helpful in setting my goals for the week and semester. I created a landing page for the MMM archives within the MMM LibGuide. I really appreciated the creative control I had with that and the challenges that arose because it helped me to master LibGuide editing a little more. First blog post is up, which is an exciting accomplishment!
Week 7 February 13-17 Open {fill in the blank} lecture by Anali was helpful in understanding the difference between open access, open education, open source, etc. This is an open science scholarship so it was good to gain clarity in the language under the open umbrella. I will be creating a blog post for open education week (March 6-10) and be planning other content to have as a deliverable before my Winter quarter ends.
Week 8 February 20-24 Anali and Matt helped us understand academic search committees and hiring. Emily shared a list of interview questions to use to prepare for academic library positions. I worked on my OE week blog post. I have been learning with some complications how to edit LibGuides, but the MMM LibGuide looks great and people are responding well to the edits Katie, Anali, and I made!
Week 9 February 27-March 3 This week I am participating in an OERizona panel talking about my experience and goals when it comes to open pedagogy. The panel was a great opportunity for practicing speaking in that setting and having something to put in my CV. I interacted with a lot of great librarians and educators who inspired me to think about the purpose and practice of open education. I’m finalizing my mock or real job application this week and will meet with Anali to discuss my CV and cover letter and my end of quarter review.
Week 10 March 6-10 I met with Anali one-on-one to discuss academic library job applications and how to edit my CV. We also discussed my work over the quarter, and she recommended I use Trello after I explained how hard time management is for me. I will be continuing to work as an open scholarship intern until the end of April, but I will decrease my hours and be working on different projects that we have not solidified yet. My Open Education Week blog post is up!